php /* Plugin Name: MapPress Easy Google Maps Plugin URI: Author URI: Description: MapPress makes it easy to insert Google Maps in WordPress posts and pages. Version: Author: Chris Richardson */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class mappress - plugin class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class mappress { var $plugin_name = "MapPress"; // plugin display name var $wordpress_tag = 'mappress-google-maps-for-wordpress'; // tag assigned by var $prefix = 'mappress'; // plugin filenames var $version = ''; var $development = false; // JS versions var $doc_link = ''; var $bug_link = ''; var $widget_defaults = array ('title' => 'MapPress Map', 'map_single' => 0, 'map_multi' => 1, 'width' => 200, 'height' => 200, 'googlebar' => 0); var $map_defaults = array ('icons_url' => '', 'api_key' => '', 'country' => '', 'size' => 'MEDIUM', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'zoom' => 0, 'center_lat' => 0, 'center_lng' => 0, 'address_format' => 'CORRECTED', 'bigzoom' => 1, 'googlebar' => 1, 'auto_center' => 1, 'scrollwheel_zoom' => 0, 'language' => '', 'maptypes' => 0, 'directions' => 1, 'maptype' => 'normal', 'streetview' => 1, 'traffic' => 1, 'open_info' => 0, 'default_icon' => '', 'poweredby' => 1); var $map_sizes = array ('SMALL' => array('width' => 300, 'height' => 225), 'MEDIUM' => array('width' => 400, 'height' => 300), 'LARGE' => array('width' => 640, 'height' => 480) ); var $div_num = 0; // Current map
var $plugin_page = ''; function mappress() { global $wpdb, $wp_version; // Initialize options & help $this->helper = new helpx(array($this, 'get_debug')); // help_debug=errors -> PHP errors, help_debug=info -> phpinfo + args, help_debug=maps -> maps, help_debug=script -> script if (isset($_GET['help_debug'])) { $this->helper->get_info($_GET['help_debug']); $this->debug = $_GET['help_debug']; } // This plugin doesn't work for feeds! if (is_feed()) return; // Define constants for pre-2.6 compatibility if ( ! defined( 'WP_CONTENT_URL' ) ) define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', get_option( 'siteurl' ) . '/wp-content' ); if ( ! defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) ) define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content' ); if ( ! defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_URL' ) ) define( 'WP_PLUGIN_URL', WP_CONTENT_URL. '/plugins/' ); if ( ! defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) define( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins' ); // Localization if( version_compare( $wp_version, '2.7', '>=') ) load_plugin_textdomain($this->prefix, false, $this->wordpress_tag . '/languages'); else load_plugin_textdomain($this->prefix, "wp-content/plugins/$this->wordpress_tag/languages"); // Notices add_action('admin_notices', array(&$this, 'hook_admin_notices')); // Install and activate register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'hook_activation')); add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'hook_admin_menu')); // Shortcode processing add_shortcode($this->prefix, array(&$this, 'map_shortcodes')); // Post save hook for saving maps add_action('save_post', array(&$this, 'hook_save_post')); // Non-admin scripts & stylesheets add_action("wp_print_scripts", array(&$this, 'hook_print_scripts')); add_action("wp_print_styles", array(&$this, 'hook_print_styles')); add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, 'hook_head')); // Uninstall if ( function_exists('register_uninstall_hook') ) register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'hook_uninstall')); } /** * Add admin menu and admin scripts/stylesheets * Admin script - post edit and options page * Content script - content (and also post-edit map) * CSS - content, plugins, post-edit * */ function hook_admin_menu() { // Add menu $mypage = add_options_page($this->plugin_name, $this->plugin_name, 8, __FILE__, array(&$this, 'admin_menu')); $this->plugin_page = $mypage; // Post edit shortcode boxes - note that this MUST be admin_menu call add_meta_box($this->prefix, $this->plugin_name, array(&$this, 'meta_box'), 'post', 'normal', 'high'); add_meta_box($this->prefix, $this->plugin_name, array($this, 'meta_box'), 'page', 'normal', 'high'); // Add scripts & styles for admin pages add_action("admin_print_scripts-$mypage", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_scripts')); add_action("admin_print_scripts-post.php", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_scripts')); add_action("admin_print_scripts-post-new.php", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_scripts')); add_action("admin_print_scripts-page.php", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_scripts')); add_action("admin_print_scripts-page-new.php", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_scripts')); add_action("admin_print_styles-$mypage", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_styles')); add_action("admin_print_styles-post.php", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_styles')); add_action("admin_print_styles-post-new.php", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_styles')); add_action("admin_print_styles-page.php", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_styles')); add_action("admin_print_styles-page-new.php", array(&$this, 'hook_admin_print_styles')); } /** * Scripts for non-admin screens * */ function hook_print_scripts() { $key = $this->get_array_option('api_key', 'map_options'); $lang = $this->get_array_option('language', 'map_options'); // Only load for non-admin, non-feed if (is_admin() || is_feed()) return; if ($this->debug == 'maps') { echo "\r\n\r\n"; $result = $this->all_maps(); echo "\r\n "; } // Only load if API key isn't empty' if (empty($key)) return; // Only load scripts if at least one post has map coordinates (we don't check if map shortcode is present, though) if (!$this->has_maps()) return; wp_enqueue_script('googlemaps', "$key&hl=$lang"); if (substr($this->debug, 0, 4) == 'http') $script = $this->debug; elseif ($this->development) $script = $this->plugin_url('mappress.js'); else $script = $this->plugin_url('mappress-min.js'); wp_enqueue_script('mappress', $script, FALSE, $this->version); wp_enqueue_script('mapcontrol', $this->plugin_url('mapcontrol.js'), FALSE, $this->version); // Stylesheet if(function_exists('wp_enqueue_style')) wp_enqueue_style('mappress', $this->plugin_url("mappress.css"), FALSE, $this->version); // Localize script texts wp_localize_script($this->prefix, $this->prefix . 'l10n', array( 'dir_400' => __('Google error: BAD REQUEST', $this->prefix), 'dir_500' => __('Google internal error. Try again later.', $this->prefix), 'dir_601' => __('The starting or ending address was missing.', $this->prefix), 'dir_602' => __('The starting or ending address could not be found.', $this->prefix), 'dir_603' => __('Google cannot return those directions for legal or contractual reasons', $this->prefix), 'dir_604' => __('Google cannot return directions between those addresses. There is no route between them or the routing information is not available.', $this->prefix), 'dir_610' => __('Invalid map API key', $this->prefix), 'dir_620' => __('Your key has issued too many queries in one day.', $this->prefix), 'dir_default' => __('Unknown error, unable to return directions. Status code = ', $this->prefix), 'enter_address' => __('Enter address'), 'no_address' => __('No matching address', $this->prefix), 'did_you_mean' => __('Did you mean: ', $this->prefix), 'street_603' => __('Error: your browser does not seem to support the street view Flash player', $this->prefix), 'street_600' => __('Sorry, no street view data is available for this location', $this->prefix), 'street_default' => __('Sorry, Google was unable to display the street view in your browser', $this->prefix), 'street_view' => __('Street view', $this->prefix), 'directions' => __('Get directions', $this->prefix), 'address' => __('Address', $this->prefix), 'to_here' => __('to here', $this->prefix), 'from_here' => __('from here', $this->prefix), 'go' => __('Go', $this->prefix) )); } /** * Stylesheets for non-admin pages * */ function hook_print_styles() { // Only load for non-admin, non-feed if (is_admin() || is_feed()) return; // Only load stylesheets if at least one post has map coordinates (we don't check if map shortcode is present, though) if (!$this->has_maps()) return; if(function_exists('wp_enqueue_style')) wp_enqueue_style($this->prefix, $this->plugin_url("$this->prefix.css"), FALSE, $this->version); } /** * Scripts only for our specific admin pages * */ function hook_admin_print_scripts() { if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; // We need maps API to validate the key on options page; key may be being updated in $_POST when we hit this event if (isset($_POST['api_key'])) $key = $_POST['api_key']; else $key = $this->get_array_option('api_key', 'map_options'); $lang = $this->get_array_option('language', 'map_options'); if (!empty($key)) wp_enqueue_script('googlemaps', "$key&hl=$lang"); if ($this->development) { wp_enqueue_script('mappress_admin', $this->plugin_url('mappress_admin.js'), array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-dialog'), $this->version); wp_enqueue_script('mappress', $this->plugin_url('mappress.js'), array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-dialog'), $this->version); } else { wp_enqueue_script('mappress_admin', $this->plugin_url('mappress_admin-min.js'), array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-dialog'), $this->version); wp_enqueue_script('mappress', $this->plugin_url('mappress-min.js'), array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-dialog'), $this->version); } $script = $this->plugin_url('mappress.js'); wp_localize_script($this->prefix, $this->prefix . 'l10n', array( 'api_missing' => __('Please enter your API key. Need an API key? Get one ', $this->prefix), 'api_incompatible' => __('MapPress could not load google maps. Either your browser is incompatible or your API key is invalid. Need an API key? Get one ', $this->prefix), 'here' => __('here', $this->prefix), 'no_address' => __('No matching address', $this->prefix), 'address_exists' => __('That address is already on the map : ', $this->prefix), 'edit' => __('Edit', $this->prefix), 'save' => __('Save', $this->prefix), 'cancel' => __('Cancel', $this->prefix), 'del' => __('Delete', $this->prefix), 'enter_location' => __('Please enter a location to map', $this->prefix), 'title' => __('Title', $this->prefix), 'delete_this_marker' => __('Delete this map marker?', $this->prefix), 'select_icon' => __('Press escape or click here to cancel: ', $this->prefix), 'currently_mapped' => __('Currently mapped', $this->prefix) )); // Add action to load our geocoder and icons declarations that can't be enqueued add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'hook_head')); if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; } function hook_admin_print_styles() { if(function_exists('wp_enqueue_style')) wp_enqueue_style($this->prefix, $this->plugin_url("$this->prefix.css"), FALSE, $this->version); } /** * Add js declarations since they can't be 'enqueued', needed by both admin and regular pages * */ function hook_head() { $key = $this->get_array_option('api_key', 'map_options'); if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; // For non-admin pages ONLY: load scripts only if at least one post has map coordinates (we don't check if map shortcode is present, though) if (!is_admin() && !$this->has_maps()) return; // Do nothing if no API key available if (empty($key)) return; // Load geocoder echo "\r\n"; // Load needed icons $this->icons = $this->get_array_option('icons'); if (empty($this->icons)) { $this->icons = mpicon::read($url, 'icons.txt'); $this->update_array_option('icons', $this->icons); } // Only declare the icons needed to render current page // TODO : extend this code for marker icons - or better yet replace with AJAX call to fetch only what we need for each map $default_icon = $this->get_array_option('default_icon', 'map_options'); if ($this->debug == 'maps') { echo "\r\n\r\n"; } $default_icon = $this->get_array_option('default_icon', 'map_options'); $needed_icons = array($this->icons[$default_icon]); mpicon::draw($needed_icons); // Load map sizes echo "\r\n"; if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; } function hook_activation() { // upgrade $current_version = $this->get_array_option('version'); // Re-read the icon list (format may change) $this->icons = mpicon::read($url, 'icons.txt'); $this->update_array_option('icons', $this->icons); // If version number was not set or is prior to 1.3, upgrade option values if ($current_version == false || $current_version < '1.3') { foreach($this->map_defaults as $key=>$value) { $current_value = $this->get_array_option($key); if (isset($current_value) && $current_value !== false) { $map_options[$key] = $current_value; } } // Delete the old option format delete_option('mappress'); // Add the new options format $map_options['googlebar'] = 1; $this->update_array_option('map_options', $map_options); // We'll assume another version was installed if API_KEY isn't empty // In that case, warn the user to upgrade his maps $key = $this->get_array_option('api_key', 'map_options'); } // Save current version # $this->update_array_option('version', $this->version); } /** * Delete all option on uninstall * */ function hook_uninstall() { update_options($this->prefix, ''); } function hook_save_post($post_id) { // This hook gets triggered on autosaves, but WP doesn't populate all of the _POST variables (sigh) // So ignore it unless at least one of our fields is set. if (!isset($_POST['mapp_zoom'])) return; delete_post_meta($post_id, '_mapp_map'); delete_post_meta($post_id, '_mapp_pois'); // Process map header fields. Filter out empty strings so as not to affect shortcode_atts() calls later if (!empty($_POST['mapp_size'])) $map['size'] = $_POST['mapp_size']; if (!empty($_POST['mapp_maptype'])) $map['maptype'] = $_POST['mapp_maptype']; if (!empty($_POST['mapp_width'])) $map['width'] = $_POST['mapp_width']; if (!empty($_POST['mapp_height'])) $map['height'] = $_POST['mapp_height']; if (!empty($_POST['mapp_zoom'])) $map['zoom'] = $_POST['mapp_zoom']; if (!empty($_POST['mapp_center_lat'])) $map['center_lat'] = $_POST['mapp_center_lat']; if (!empty($_POST['mapp_center_lng'])) $map['center_lng'] = $_POST['mapp_center_lng']; $map['auto_center'] = $_POST['mapp_auto_center']; update_post_meta($post_id, '_mapp_map', $map); // Process POIs $addresses = (array) $_POST['mapp_poi_address']; foreach($addresses as $key=>$address) { // Get the data for the POI. $caption = $_POST['mapp_poi_caption'][$key]; $body = $_POST['mapp_poi_body'][$key]; $corrected_address = $_POST['mapp_poi_corrected_address'][$key]; $lat = $_POST['mapp_poi_lat'][$key]; $lng = $_POST['mapp_poi_lng'][$key]; $boundsbox_north = $_POST['mapp_poi_boundsbox_north'][$key]; $boundsbox_south = $_POST['mapp_poi_boundsbox_south'][$key]; $boundsbox_west = $_POST['mapp_poi_boundsbox_west'][$key]; $boundsbox_east = $_POST['mapp_poi_boundsbox_east'][$key]; // If somehow we didn't get lat/lng then skip this POI if (empty($lat) || empty($lng)) continue; // Add the POI to our array for the metadata $pois[] = array('address' => $address, 'caption' => $caption, 'body' => $body, 'corrected_address' => $corrected_address, 'lat' => $lat, 'lng' => $lng, 'boundsbox' => array('north' => $boundsbox_north, 'south' => $boundsbox_south, 'east' => $boundsbox_east, 'west' => $boundsbox_west)); } if (!empty($pois)) update_post_meta($post_id, '_mapp_pois', $pois); } /** * Hook: admin notices * Used for upgrade notification */ function hook_admin_notices() { global $pagenow; // Check if API key entered; it may be in process of being updated if (isset($_POST['api_key'])) $key = $_POST['api_key']; else $key = $this->get_array_option('api_key', 'map_options'); if (empty($key)) { echo "

" . __("MapPress isn't ready yet. Please enter your Google Maps API Key on the ", $this->prefix) . "" . __("MapPress options screen.", $this->prefix) . "

"; return; } } function has_maps() { global $posts; if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; $found = false; if (empty($posts)) return false; foreach($posts as $key=>$post) if (get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mapp_pois', true)) $found = true; if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; return $found; } function all_maps() { global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT m.post_id, p.post_title FROM $wpdb->postmeta m, $wpdb->posts p " . " WHERE m.meta_key = '_mapp_pois' AND m.post_id = AND m.meta_value != '' AND p.post_content like '%[mappress]%' AND p.post_status = 'publish'"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); foreach ((array)$results as $result) $all_maps[] = get_permalink($result->post_id); return $all_maps; } function get_debug() { $result = $this->all_maps(); return array($result, count($result)); } /** * Shortcode form for post edit screen * */ function meta_box($post) { $map = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mapp_map', true); $pois = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mapp_pois', true); // Load the edit map // Note that mapTypes is hardcoded = TRUE (so user can change type, even if not displayed in blog) $map['maptypes'] = 1; $this->map($map, $pois, true); // The
will be filled in with the list of POIs echo "
"; } function output_map_sizes($selected = "", $width = 0, $height = 0) { // Output small/med/large foreach ($this->map_sizes as $key => $ms) { $checked = ($selected == $key) ? "checked = 'checked'" : $checked = ""; if ($key == 'SMALL') $label = __('Small', $this->prefix); if ($key == 'MEDIUM') $label = __('Medium', $this->prefix); if ($key == 'LARGE') $label = __('Large', $this->prefix); echo "$label ({$ms['width']}x{$ms['height']}) "; } // Output 'custom' option $checked = ($selected == 'CUSTOM') ? "checked = 'checked'" : $checked = ""; echo "" . __('Custom', $this->prefix); // If size isn't 'CUSTOM' then disable the custom width/height input fields if ($selected != 'CUSTOM') $disabled = "readonly = 'readonly'"; else $disabled = ""; // Output custom width and height echo ""; echo " x "; } /** * Map a shortcode in a post. Called by WordPress shortcode processor. * * @param mixed $atts - shortcode attributes */ function map_shortcodes($atts='') { global $id; if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; if (is_feed()) return; $map = get_post_meta($id, '_mapp_map', true); $pois = get_post_meta($id, '_mapp_pois', true); $result = $this->map($map, $pois, false); if ($this->debug == 'maps') { echo "\r\n\r\n"; } return $result; } function map($map, $pois, $editable = false) { if ($this->debug == 'maps') { echo "\r\n\r\n"; } $map_args = $this->map_defaults; $map_args = shortcode_atts($map_args, $this->get_array_option('map_options')); $map_args = shortcode_atts($map_args, $map); if ($editable) { $map_name = 'editMap'; $map_args['editable'] = 1; } else { $map_name = $this->prefix . $this->div_num; $this->div_num++; $map_args['editable'] = 0; } $args = array("mapname" => $map_name, "editable" => $map_args['editable'], "size" => $map_args['size'], "width" => $map_args['width'], "height" => $map_args['height'], "zoom" => $map_args['zoom'], "autoCenter" => $map_args['auto_center'], "centerLat" => $map_args['center_lat'], "centerLng" => $map_args['center_lng'], "addressFormat" => $map_args['address_format'], "bigZoom" => $map_args['bigzoom'], "googlebar" => $map_args['googlebar'], 'scrollWheelZoom' => $map_args['scrollwheel_zoom'], "language" => $map_args['language'], "mapTypes" => $map_args['maptypes'], "directions" => $map_args['directions'], "mapType" => $map_args['maptype'], "streetView" => $map_args['streetview'], "traffic" => $map_args['traffic'], "initialOpenInfo" => $map_args['open_info'], "defaultIcon" => $map_args['default_icon'], "pois" => $pois); $args = json_encode($args); if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; // If we couldn't encode just give up if (empty($args)) return; if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; if ($editable) { // For backwards compatibility: try to figure out the map size if none was specified if (empty($map_args['size'])) { // Try to match to each standard size foreach($this->map_sizes as $key => $ms) { if ($ms['width'] == $map_args['width'] && $ms['height'] == $map_args['height']) { $map_args['size'] = $key; $map['size'] = $key; } } // If still no match, use 'custom' if (empty($map_args['size'])) { $map_args['size'] = 'CUSTOM'; $map['size'] = 'CUSTOM'; } } ?>
php _e('Report a bug', $this->prefix)?> | php _e('MapPress help', $this->prefix)?>

php _e('Map size', $this->prefix) ?>

php $this->output_map_sizes($map_args['size'], $map_args['width'], $map_args['height']); ?>

php _e('Add locations', $this->prefix) ?>

php _e('Street Address, city, state, country, or place', $this->prefix) ?>

php _e('Latitude/Longitude ', $this->prefix) ?>

php _e('Preview', $this->prefix) ?>

php $checked = ($map_args['auto_center']) ? "checked='checked'" : ''; ?> /> php _e('Automatically center/zoom map when saved (uncheck to display map exactly as shown below)', $this->prefix) ?>

php _e('Currently mapped', $this->prefix) ?>

php _e('Click on a marker or use the links below to edit or delete markers.', $this->prefix) ?>
php echo ""; // Display maps } else { if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; // If there are no POIs then don't try to draw the map at all if (empty($pois)) return; if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; $map = "
"; $map .= ""; if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; if ($map_args['poweredby']) $map .= "
Map powered by MapPress
"; if ($map_args['streetview']) { $map .= ""; } if ($map_args['directions']) { $map .= ""; } if ($this->debug == 'maps') echo "\r\n\r\n"; return $map; } } /** * Get plugin url */ function plugin_url ($path) { if (function_exists('plugins_url')) return plugins_url("$this->wordpress_tag/$path"); else return WP_PLUGIN_URL . "$this->wordpress_tag/$path"; } /** * Get option value. Options are stored under a single key */ function get_array_option($option, $subarray='') { $options = get_option($this->prefix); if (empty($options)) return false; if ($subarray) { if (isset($options[$subarray][$option])) return $options[$subarray][$option]; else return false; } // No subarray if (isset($options[$option])) return $options[$option]; else return false; // If we get here it's an error return false; } /** * Set option value. Options are stored as an array under a single key */ function update_array_option($option, $value) { $options = get_option($this->prefix); $options[$option] = $value; update_option($this->prefix, $options); } /** * Delete option value from option array. * */ function delete_array_option($option) { $options = get_option($this->prefix); if (isset($options[$option])) { unset ($options[$option]); update_option($this->prefix, $options); return true; } return false; } /** * Options page * */ function admin_menu() { if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) die ( __( "ACCESS DENIED: You don't have permission to do this.", $this->plugin_name) ); // If user hasn't specificed a URL for the icons, use plugin directory $url = $this->get_array_option('icons_url'); if (empty($url) || $url == false) $url = plugins_url($this->wordpress_tag . '/icons'); // Read icons $this->icons = mpicon::read($url, 'icons.txt'); if ($this->icons === false) $error = "Unable to read icons. Check that the icons.txt file exists and does not have any errors."; // Save options if (isset($_POST['save'])) { check_admin_referer($this->prefix); foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) if (!empty($_POST[$key]) || $_POST[$key] === '0') $new_options[$key] = strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST[$key])); // $map_options = shortcode_atts($this->map_defaults, $new_values); $this->update_array_option('map_options', $new_options); // Save the icons that we loaded $this->update_array_option('icons', $this->icons); $message = __('Settings saved', $this->prefix); } $map_options = shortcode_atts($this->map_defaults, $this->get_array_option('map_options')); $icons = $this->get_array_option('icons'); $cctld_link = '(' . __("what's my country code?", $this->prefix) . ')'; $lang_link = '(' . __("supported languages", $this->prefix) . ')'; $help_msg = $this->get_array_option('help_msg'); ?>

php _e('MapPress Options', $this->prefix) ?>

php if (!empty($message)) echo "


"; if (!empty($error)) echo "


"; ?>
php _e('Report a bug', $this->prefix)?> | php _e('MapPress help', $this->prefix)?>
php wp_nonce_field($this->prefix); ?>

php _e('Google Maps API Key', $this->prefix);?>


php _e('Optional Settings', $this->prefix); ?>

php $this->option_dropdown(__('Address format', $this->prefix), 'address_format', $map_options['address_format'], array('ENTERED' => __('Exactly as entered', $this->prefix), 'CORRECTED' => __('Corrected address', $this->prefix))); ?> php $this->option_string(__('Country code for searches', $this->prefix), 'country', $map_options['country'], 2, __('Enter a country code to use as a default when searching for an address.', $this->prefix) . "
" . $cctld_link); ?> php $this->option_string(__('Force map language', $this->prefix), 'language', $map_options['language'], 2, __('Force Google to use a specific language for map controls.', $this->prefix) . "
" . $lang_link); ?> php $this->option_checkbox(__('Directions', $this->prefix), 'directions', $map_options['directions'], __('Check to enable directions to/from map markers', $this->prefix)); ?> php $this->option_checkbox(__('Big map controls', $this->prefix), 'bigzoom', $map_options['bigzoom'], __('Check to show large map controls; uncheck for a small zoom control instead', $this->prefix)); ?> php $this->option_checkbox(__('Map types button', $this->prefix), 'maptypes', $map_options['maptypes'], __('Check to enable the "map types" button on the map', $this->prefix)); ?> php $this->option_dropdown(__('Initial map type', $this->prefix), 'maptype', $map_options['maptype'], array( 'Map' => 'Street', 'Satellite' => 'Satellite', 'Hybrid' => 'Hybrid (street+satellite)', 'Terrain' => 'Terrain'), __('Choose the map type to use when the map is first displayed', $this->prefix)); ?> php //$this->option_checkbox(__('Traffic button', $this->prefix), 'traffic', $map_options['traffic'], __('Check to enable the real-time traffic button on the map', $this->prefix)); ?> php //$this->option_checkbox(__('Street view link', $this->prefix), 'streetview', $map_options['streetview'], __('Check to enable the "street view" link for map markers', $this->prefix)); ?> php $this->option_checkbox(__('Initial marker', $this->prefix), 'open_info', $map_options['open_info'], __('Check to open the first marker when the map is displayed.', $this->prefix)); ?> php $this->option_checkbox(__('GoogleBar', $this->prefix), 'googlebar', $map_options['googlebar'], __('Check to show the "GoogleBar" search box for local business listings.', $this->prefix)); ?> php //$this->option_checkbox(__('MapPress link', $this->prefix), 'poweredby', $map_options['poweredby'], __('Enable the "powered by" link.', $this->prefix)); ?> php $this->option_checkbox(__('Scrollwheel zoom', $this->prefix), 'scrollwheel_zoom', $map_options['scrollwheel_zoom'], __('Enable zooming with the mouse scroll wheel.', $this->prefix)); ?> php //$this->option_string(__('Icons URL', $this->prefix), 'icons_url', $map_options['icons_url'], 40, '
' . __('URL to custom icon definitions. Leave blank for the default:', $this->prefix) . plugins_url('/' . $this->wordpress_tag . '/icons')); ?> php $default_icon_id = $map_options['default_icon']; $default_icon = $this->icons[$default_icon_id]; $image_url = $default_icon->image; if (empty($image_url)) $image_url = ""; ?>
php _e('Default map icon: ', $this->prefix); ?> php echo $default_icon->id ?> title=id ?>" /> php _e('(click the icon to choose)', $this->prefix) ?>
    php foreach ((array)$this->icons as $key => $icon) { if ($icon->image) $image_url = $icon->image; else $image_url = ''; $shadow_url = $icon->shadow; $id = $icon->id; $description = $icon->description; ?>
  • php echo $id ?>
  • php } ?>

© 2009, C. Richardson

php } /** * Options - display option as a field */ function option_string($label, $name, $value='', $size='', $comment='', $class='') { if (!empty($class)) $class = "class='$class'"; echo "" . $label . ""; echo " $comment"; echo ""; } /** * Options - display option as a radiobutton */ function option_radiobutton($label, $name, $value='', $keys, $comment='') { echo "" . $label . ""; echo ""; foreach ((array)$keys as $key => $description) { if ($key == $value) $checked = "checked"; else $checked = ""; echo "" . $description . "
"; } echo $comment . "
"; echo ""; } /** * Options - display option as a checkbox */ function option_checkbox($label, $name, $value='', $comment='') { if ($value) $checked = "checked='checked'"; else $checked = ""; echo "" . $label . ""; echo ""; echo " $comment"; } /** * Options - display as dropdown */ function option_dropdown($label, $name, $value, $keys, $comment='') { echo "" . $label . ""; echo ""; echo " $comment"; } } // End plugin class /** * Helper class */ class helpx { var $plugin_name; var $plugin_version; var $file; var $prefix = 'helpx'; var $version = '2.0'; var $host=''; var $path = '/help/help2.php'; var $port = 80; var $callback; function helpx($callback) { $this->callback = $callback; $this->plugin_name = plugin_basename(__FILE__); $fp = fopen(__FILE__, 'r'); $plugin_data = fread( $fp, 8192 ); fclose($fp); preg_match( '|Version:(.*)|i', $plugin_data, $version ); $this->plugin_version = trim($version[1]); if ( function_exists('register_activation_hook')) register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'hook_activation')); if ( function_exists('register_uninstall_hook') ) register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'hook_uninstall')); if ( function_exists('register_deactivation_hook')) register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'hook_deactivate')); add_action('after_plugin_row_' . plugin_basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, 'hook_after_plugin_row'), 5); } function hook_after_plugin_row() { $this->help_check('update'); $this->help_check('alerts'); $msg = get_option($this->plugin_name . '_help_msg'); if (!empty($msg)) echo "$msg"; } function hook_activation() { $this->help_check('activate'); } function hook_deactivate() { $this->help_check('deactivate'); } function hook_uninstall() { delete_option($this->prefix . '_last_check', ''); delete_option($this->prefix . '_help_msg'); delete_option($this->prefix . '_last_check'); } function get_info($mode) { if (empty($mode)) return; if ($mode == 'errors') { error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors','On'); } elseif ($mode == 'info') { $bloginfo = array('version', 'language', 'stylesheet_url', 'wpurl', 'url'); foreach ($bloginfo as $key=>$info) echo "$info: " . bloginfo($info) . '
'; phpinfo(); } } function help_check($event) { if ($event == 'alerts') { $request = ""; $response = $this->help_send($request, 'alerts'); if ($response == false || !is_array($response) || count($response) < 2 || empty($response[1]) || $response[1] == 'invalid request' || $response[1] == "No input file specified.\n" || substr($response[1], 0, 6) != "alert:") { delete_option($this->plugin_name . '_help_msg', ""); } else { $alert = str_replace('alert:', '', $response[1]); update_option($this->plugin_name . '_help_msg', $alert); } return true; } if ($event != 'activate' && $event != 'deactivate') { $last_checked = get_option($this->prefix . '_last_check'); if (isset( $last_checked ) && 43200 > ( time() - $last_checked ) && !$force_check) return false; else update_option($this->prefix . '_last_check', time()); } $p = get_plugins(); $active = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); foreach ((array)$p as $key => $val) { $po[$key] = array('plugin_version' => $val['Version'], 'plugin_title' => $val['Title'], 'active' => (array_search($key, $active) !== false) ? true : false); if ($this->plugin_name == $key && $this->plugin_version == $val['Version']) { if ($event == 'activate') $po[$key]['active'] = true; if ($event == 'deactivate') $po[$key]['active'] = false; if (isset($this->callback)) { $result = call_user_func($this->callback); if (isset($result[0])) $po[$key]['user1'] = $result[0]; if (isset($result[1])) $po[$key]['user2'] = $result[1]; } } } $request = "&p=" . urlencode(serialize($po)); $this->help_send($request, $event); return true; } function help_send($request, $event="") { global $wpdb, $wp_version, $wp_db_version; $c = urlencode(serialize(array('caller_name'=>$this->plugin_name, 'caller_version'=>$this->plugin_version))); $s = urlencode(serialize(array('server_name' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'wp_home' => get_option('home'), 'php_version' => phpversion(), 'mysql_version' => $wpdb->db_version(), 'server_addr' => $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], 'server_signature' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'], 'request_uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp_description' => get_bloginfo('description'), 'wp_version' => $wp_version, 'wp_site_url' => get_option('siteurl'), 'wp_db_version' => $wp_db_version, 'wp_language' => get_bloginfo('language'), 'wp_admin_email' => get_bloginfo('admin_email')))); $request = "event=$event&c=$c&s=$s" . $request; $http = "POST $this->path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $http .= "Host: $this->host\r\n"; $http .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\r\n"; $http .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($request) . "\r\n"; $http .= "User-Agent: helpx/$this->version" . "\r\n"; $http .= "\r\n"; $http .= $request; $fp = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, 3); if( $fp === false) return false; fwrite($fp, $http); stream_set_timeout($fp, 2); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); while ( !feof($fp) && (!$info['timed_out'])) { $response .= fgets($fp, 1160); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); } fclose($fp); // Headers in response[0], body in response[1] $response = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2); return $response; } } // End class helpx class mpicon { var $id, $description, $image, $shadow, $iconSize, $shadowSize, $iconAnchor, $infoWindowAnchor, $transparent; function mpicon($args = '') { $properties = get_class_vars('mpicon'); shortcode_atts($properties, $args); foreach ($properties as $key=>$value) if (isset($args[$key])) $this->$key = $args[$key]; } function draw($icons) { if (!is_array($icons)) $icons = array($icons); echo ""; } function read($url, $filename) { // ------------------------- 1.4.3 ---------------------------- $default = new mpicon(array('id' => '')); $yellow = new mpicon(array('id' => 'yellow-dot.png', 'image' => '')); $blue = new mpicon(array('id' => 'blue-dot.png', 'image' => '')); $green = new mpicon(array('id' => 'green-dot.png', 'image' => '')); $ltblue = new mpicon(array('id' => 'ltblue-dot.png', 'image' => '')); $pink = new mpicon(array('id' => 'pink-dot.png', 'image' => '')); $purple = new mpicon(array('id' => 'purple-dot.png', 'image' => '')); $icons = array($default->id => $default, $yellow->id => $yellow, $blue->id => $blue, $ltblue->id => $ltblue, $pink->id => $pink, $purple->id => $purple); return $icons; } } // PHP 4 compatibility... if ( !function_exists('json_decode') ){ function json_decode($content, $assoc=false){ require_once 'JSON.php'; if ( $assoc ){ $json = new Mapp_Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); } else { $json = new Mapp_Services_JSON; } return $json->decode($content); } } if ( !function_exists('json_encode') ){ function json_encode($content){ require_once 'JSON.php'; $json = new Mapp_Services_JSON; return $json->encode($content); } } // Create new instance of the plugin $mappress = new mappress(); ?>
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/kn001dm2/www/home/2009/2009/wp-content/plugins/mappress-google-maps-for-wordpress/mappress.php:1233) in /home/kn001dm2/www/home/2009/2009/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 865